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Ancient history and settlement.

The city of Ayacucho, capital of the region of Ayacucho is the southern central area of the Andes, 583 Km / miles from Lima; 560 Km 7 348 miles from Huancayo, and 582 Km / 362 miles from Cusco. The area was the capital of the first Andean empire, the Wari empire, wich reached its peak towards the 6th century. The incas dominated this region in 1438, and the spanish conquistadors founded the Christian city in 1539.

Although there are a nunber of archaeological remains, the city of Ayacucho is best known for its beautiful colonial architecture represented in over 30 churches, each wich richly decorated altars.

On the plains of Quinua, the Battle of Ayacucho was fought on December 9, 1824 as the final seal to the independence of South America.


Ancient history and settlement.

Resides its attractive buildings and beautiful countryside, Ayacucho is known as the Capital of  Peruvian Arts and Crafts for the number of familias of artisans that have continued generation alter generation to craft unique pieces – such as the delicate retablos, full on tiny carved figures – using ancient techniques. Its folk music and dancing are also popular, including the famous Scissors Dance.

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